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Patient Information

As part of your treatment, samples (e.g. blood and tissue) might be stored in Bio and Genome Bank Denmark (RBGB). The biological material is first and foremost used for your own assessment and treatment. Thus, as part of your treatment you can be asked to sign a letter of intent as to what extent your biological samples may be used. You can read more about this in our (Danish Version) RBGB Letter of Intent and Patient Information.

You are free to rescind your letter of intent at any time without giving a reason and without cost. If you wish to do so, please contact the RBGB secretariat..

RBGB has the secondary purpose of supporting Danish research including research in personalized medicine, that can contribute to develop more tailor-made treatments and help avoid the use of inefficient medicine or treatments. If the right conditions are met and with your consent, part of your biological material can be transferred to a research project. A transfer of biological material to a research project requires that it has, at a minimum, authorization from an ethics committee and an approved internal record of data processing with the Danish Regions.

If you want to make sure that your biological material in RBGB is only used for you own treatment and not for research, please register with the National Database of Non-Consent to the Use of Tissue Samples for Scientific Purposes

For more information please contact us

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