For Citizens
What is a biobank?
A biobank is a safe place to store biological material. As a bank, the biological material is collected and stored under strictly controlled procedures and tight security. Biological material can be a blood sample or a tissue sample.
Here are some of the most important areas of biobanking.
- Sampling
Biobanks collect biological material from a wide variety of sources including hospitals, clinics, research projects, and population studies. The samples include blood samples, tissue samples, urine samples, DNA and other biological material, grouped collectively under the term biospecimens. - Storage
Biobanks store the biospecimens under stabile and suitable conditions that ensure their longevity. This often involves cryogenic storage at very low temperatures (-80°C). - Diagnosis and research
Biobanks afford healthcare professionals the opportunity to access biospecimens for diagnostics and research. As an example, the access to biospecimens might improve the development of personalized medicine or contribute to studies that provide improved targeted treatments, better diagnostics, and a better understanding of the genetic factors behind health and illness.

The biobanks in RBGB ensure the accessibility of diagnostic material for the patients’ own current needs and potential ones in the future.
Furthermore, the biobanks in RBGB play a critical role in advancing scientific research in, among other things, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis. The biological material stored in biobanks is essential to progress our understanding of diseases and aid in developing more efficient and targeted treatments.
What is RBGB?
RBGB is a national infrastructure that uses interregional cooperation to collect, store, and oversee biological material such as blood, tissue, urine, bone marrow, and DNA. The biological material is cryogenically stored at very low temperatures to ensure its viability and quality for a long time. This biological material is crucial to understanding diseases and genetic factors, support the development of personalized medicine, and improve the efficacy of treatments. Thus, the stored biological material is an invaluable resource for patients, health professionals, researchers, and society as a whole.
How does RBGB collect and distribute biospecimens?
RBGB stores biological material from citizens, donors, and patients who are assessed, treated, or both for a particular disease by the Danish Healthcare System. Biological material is only stored in RBGB as part population surveys, donations, or as part of a planned course of treatment e.g. blood samples taken as part of a planned treatment or tissue saved after an operation.
The transfer of biospecimens from the biobank to research projects requires approval and authorization from the Danish Research Ethics Committees and the Danish Data Protection Agency. The ethics committee consists of a panel of independent experts who evaluate the quality of the research project. The authorization from the Danish Data Protection Agency is to make sure that the data is stored securely. These procedures make sure that any research project is in compliance with Danish law and has a high ethical standard.
If you wish to make certain that your biological material in RBGB is only for your own assessment and treatment, you must register in the National Database of Non-Consent to the Use of Tissue Samples for Scientific Purposes.
Who benefits from RBGB?
We all benefit from RBGB.
By having biological material accessible, doctors and researchers are able to improve the way diseases are discovered, diagnosed, and treated. The use of biological material stored in RBGB have already led to a notable improvement in the possibilities of cancer, diabetes, and arthritis research. Furthermore, RBGB is frequently expanded by the admission of new biobanks from new fields of medicine, amongst them are dermatology, gynecological oncology (Uterine cancer screenings), and medical genetics.
Ethical considerations
We treat the protection of personal data with the utmost urgency and importance and have great respect for the trust placed in our organization. Every biospecimen and its accompanying data are being stored, treated and distributed in accordance with current legislation and ethical guidelines. Your letter of intent and potential consent for storing your biological material, and using it for a specific research project, mean the world to us. We make sure to repay your trust in us by making certain that your personal data is handled confidentially and responsibly.
Contact Us
For further questions or more information, please sekretariatet.
In the case of inquiries with sensitive personal information, the secretariat must be contacted via digital mail at or e-boks. In the recipient field, select “Region”, “Region Hovedstaden”, “12. Sundhedsforskning” and finally “Regionernes Bio-og GenomBank (RBGB)”. You are now guaranteed secure digital communication with RBGB.