Bio- and Genome
Bank Denmark
Who are we?
Bio and Genome Bank Denmark (RBGB) is an infrastructure that houses mostly clinical biobanks. Our aim is to support patients of the Danish healthcare system by safeguarding biological material for their assessment and treatment. Furthermore, it is the purpose of RBGB to support Danish medical research especially personalized medicine, which contributes to finding targeted treatments and avoiding ineffectual medicine. Personalized medicine means that the treatment is adapted to the specific patient in order to achieve better treatment and the least amount of side effects.
A biobank is a collection of biological material (e.g. blood and tissue) stored according to current legislation.

05-02-2025 kl. 12:45
The scientific advisory board for the Danish Rheumatologic Biobank is looking for applicants for the role of chairperson. Read more in the post (Only Danish version).
30-09-2024 kl. 10:05
Read the newest updates from the secretariat in Danish: RBGB Nyhedsbrev December 2024

02-08-2024, 15:07
The Annual Rapport and PIXI 2023 have been published.
The annual report is not web accessible. Please contact the RBGB secretariat, if you have any questions or difficulty accessing information from the annual rapport.
Learn of the progression in our collection by reading PIXI 2023 (Only Danish version)

16-04-2024, 15:52
The Guidance Function has ceased to exist, but you are still able to access
the information about the project and watch the video about RBGB.